September 21st 2024 - March 22nd 2025

Welcoming new and existing priestesess…
Become initiated into priestess and ceremonial teachings, rituals and methods that support and develop your space holding skills in both one on one and group settings…

Are you wanting to fulfil your soul by being of service to other women, humanity and mother earth?
Does the role of a priestess, teacher, leader, facilitator, and guide beckon you?
Are you ready to guide others using principals and methods of the Western Mysteries, Celtic Rose Lineage and Sacred Feminine?
Do you feel called to be part of a powerful priestess council experience and walk the priestess path alongside each other?
In ancient times Priestesshood was a pathway for the embodiment of God on Earth, the Holy Sophia, and Divine Purpose. The Priestess guided others in union with the Divine, helping them actualise their souls unique destiny. Now more than ever the priestess path calls to women from all around the world. Activating this inner knowing that they will only be truly fulfilled when they are of devotional service to their souls deepest purpose.
This is a comprehensive online (soul embodiment, mystery school teachings and practical learning) sacred feminine and priestess facilitator training. It is for those who yearn not to just live the priestess path but to also embark on a journey of holding sacred space for others. Creating their own unique soul offerings and ceremonial space holding through teachings of the sacred feminine and western mysteries through the path of the priestess.
The focus is for you to learn a thorough grounding in ancient feminine wisdom from the Celtic Rose Mystery teachings and traditions through embodiment and build confidence in your connection the Divine simultaneously.
You’ll become initiated into priestess ceremonial teachings, rituals and methods through embodiment that support, develop and expand your space holding skills so that you feel confident and inspired to hold potent sacred space…
To be added to the waitlist and receive training schedule, pricing options, outline and more details please click the button below…

This mentorship training is offered within the safety of a sisterhood cohort and small container, providing you with the tools to embody confidence as a leader and guide others from your soulful, intuitive and powerful feminine essence…
Priestess School is here to help you on your path of embodiment as a Priestess, Facilitator and Guide of the Sacred Feminine Arts and Mystery Traditions.
This mentorship program is specifically designed to support you in embodying your true potential and grounding your souls ultimate service. Helping you unlock and step into your unique priestess gifts, authentic guiding expression, creative power and souls purpose.
We take a spiritually humble, inclusive, diverse and unique approach that confidently enables you to step into your fullest souls expression, role as a priestess and facilitator within modern times.
The time has arrived for you to remember and receive soul liberation as a priestess in this lifetime.
You are being called during this time of great remembrance to fully embody your sacred feminine energy and understand your unique priestess signature, so that you can step confidently into the role of a priestess and facilitator.
Become a beacon of inspiration for other women, anchored in your soul mission and part of the divine orchestration propelling the integration of the Divine Feminine that will heal Mother Earth and unite humanity.
A Priestess is here first and foremost to serve. She is a sacred conduit, a holy vessel and clear channel, that brings the formless into form through receptivity, deep listening and communion with Goddess and the Divine. She is the bridge uniting Heaven and Earth, Spirit and Matter, Light and Dark. As well as unifying ancient feminine mystery wisdom that is needed for the New Earth paradigm. She is here to raise the collective consciousness and to contribute in her own unique way, becoming the embodiment of Divine Love. She is here to anchor the frequency of the divine feminine, to restore balance on our planet and support humanities growth through her being the embodiment and energetic shift.

To be added to the waitlist and receive training schedule, pricing options, outline and more details please click the button below…
“For me there has been a huge internal shift. I feel more confident and anchored in what I know to be my truth. This is my path and you have opened the door and allowed me to see that more clearly. No uncertainty anymore. I am so ready to step up, show up and walk the path. The missing piece of the puzzle is no longer missing. Your such an authentic and gifted space holder. Your light, your authenticity, your passion shines through always. You are such a genuine, humble, authentic woman, which I have found to be quite rare these days. Lots of false light and ego masking spirituality. I am so grateful I said “YES” to priestess school. I know you are my priestess sister that we have journeyed together before and I’m beyond grateful to have reestablished our connection on this lifetime.”
Before I even finished reading the outline for Priestess School, I knew this was the exact medicine my soul was calling for. I felt activated from the moment I invested & so lovingly supported, every step of the way. Alize created such a potent container for healing, Magic, remembrance & transformation… I feel very honoured to have been a part of something so beautiful & sacred. I was moved to tears many times & expanded into a whole new level of love I didn’t know was possible. I reconnected to my soul’s true path & experienced massive awakening on so many levels. Words can’t describe the Magic that is felt inside of this container, it is something you have to experience for yourself! Thank you Alize, you are an Angel in human form. I love you & am eternally grateful for the ways in which you have inspired, encouraged & supported my soul’s evolution.”
- BRIARLY, MEXICO (Priestess School 2022/23)
“Journeying with Alize is otherworldly. She is the most deeply integrated, Divine Feminine embodiment guide I’ve ever had the pleasure to be mentored by, held by and in sacred sisterhood with. She holds the most powerful, potent space for you as you align and come into communion with your soul again. In just the past few months of being in her energy (which seems like a lifetime!), I have received such a beautiful a womb healing, have healed sister wounds from lifetimes past, stepped into more aligned soul embodiment and activated parts of me that I’d shamed for decades. Her radical surrender to the Goddess can be felt when you are in ceremony with her and the rose sisters. It’s truly an honor to know Alize in this lifetime and I am beyond grateful for what is to unfold from here on. Love always!”
“Alize’s divine embodiment as Rose Priestess is what magnetised me towards the space that she creates. During the 8 week rose priestess course I got to dive much deeper into rose essence than ever before. Words don’t do it justice. Alize creates such a pure, clear and deep space. I am able to soothe my nervous system and fully feel both connected and supported. During the 8 weeks I formed a deep connection with my own heart, womb, third eye, and specifically with Mary Magdalene which has changed my life already, and I sense it is just the beginning of where the way of the rose will take me. I am forever grateful for Alize’s wisdom, gentleness, grace, and power, and for this initiation. I feel empowered to lead in this lifetime now.”
“My first womb session with Alize was deeply powerful, magical and transformative experience. The space she held for me during our session together was so healing. She has a very profound, gentle and beautiful way of guiding a woman on a unique inward journey into their womb space. She made me feel completely seen, while guiding me in surrendering to feel the true power & beauty of my womb. This allowed me to open up to an even deeper connection to myself as a woman, as well as feeling a deeper connection to the divine mother. Alize is an Avalon Rose Priestess she embodies and holds the codes on the ancient sacred lands where she is from. While I was receiving the womb transmission I saw how she has been walking this path and doing this healing work for many lifetimes. She works very closely with Mary Magdalene and in my session I could feel her pure souls devotion to serve her by bringing women to their sacred temple of their womb. She was a clear channel for the goddess and brought forth the ancient codes of Avalon in a unique way for my soul. She channelled healing for me so effortlessly. It truly transformed me as I felt such a deep remembrance to Avalon, my priestess path, and to Alize. I’ve felt as though I have worked with her before in past lives & finally found her again. I am so grateful for this experience with her as it was truly so beautiful. I am looking forward to working more with her.”
“Wow what a beautiful journey it has been thank you so much dear sisters for being in this together, for being together in this lifetime of anchoring divine feminine on Earth and dear Alize, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your guidance, for your love and soul on this journey of awakening, anchoring and embodying divine feminine in this life I am forever grateful for this priestess initiation! I experienced so much healing in these 8 weeks, I found and remembered missing links and connections to my ancestors and goddess, I feel my womb stronger every day, I am deeply touched, heart, womb & soul. So much rose blessings and love to you”
“Thank you wonderful Alize! It was and is such an epic journey with so much quick growth and healing! Feel my soul expanding every day and I am so free now and the veils are gone, all clear and settled. I'll never forget how you shared this with all your heart, that's how I'll remember the teachings always too! For me it's a coming back to my soul path after losing it in the mind. My friends feel the shift already and I see them taking advice on differently then before because there is no ego place any more where it was before. Super expansive time and my connection to earth, spirit, the divine is the strongest force now! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, may the goddess bless you with so much abundance and love! You are such an angel!!! Deeply touched my heart&soul!!”