October 22nd & 23rd, 2023

A Sacred Journey into the Lost Teachings of an Ancient Christed Britain…

Thank you for following your heart and hearing the call of the land that beckons you at this time in collective remembrance…

You are invited to join Alize and Oliver online for a ceremonial initiation, beloved transmission and immersive two-day experience of the Celtic Rose Lineage.

Together we will embark on a mythic journey in union with the Dragon Lines, Spirit of Nature, Wisdom of the Sacred Landscape and Teachings of the Ancient Ones. Weaving forgotten memories through the mists of time. Forged by the Elements and the Light of the Divine. Remembering the Holy Lands in their original form, places where the veils are thin and the portal to the Heart Chakra of the planet emits the frequency of Love, Truth and Sacred Union.

This initiation is for anyone who feels a calling to remember the teachings of the Priest/Priestess, Early Celtic Saints, Druid Traditions, Western Mysteries and Nature-based spirituality of Ancient Britain. With specific reference to the lands of (Cymru) and Glastonbury (Avalon).

for Soul and Ancestral wisdom to be accessed, remembered, healed and embodied.

We welcome you to take part in this divinely guided group soul mission. As we embark on our Grail Quest together, through a two day online, sacred initiation and immersive adventure for the heart and soul. Journeying through the ancient Celtic lands of Avalon and Wales with ceremony, bardic storytelling & songs, wisdom talks, transmissions, activations, sound, ritual, community and aligned intent. Learning about

A pilgrimage is a journey and act of devotion which is taken by a calling from the soul. This is because the soul seeks new and expanded meaning about the self, others, nature, or a higher purpose, through experience. A pilgrimage can often lead to a personal transformation, healing and enlightenment.

Do you remember the footsteps of the Flame Holders, Grail Keepers and Light Bearers? Do you feel the Ancient Call of Avalon and Elemental Magic of Wales? Are you ready to receive the messages from the Otherworld that draw you deeper into your heart and the wisdom of these mystical emerald lands.

Through embodiment practices, spiritual and historical knowledge Alize and Oliver will powerfully weave together the mysteries of the Celtic Rose through both Sophia-Christ

What does the Celtic Magdalene represent?

The Pilgrimage upholds a powerful time within our spiritual history when the Lineage of the Rose and Sophia-Christ Consciousness was consciously and purposefully anchored to take bloom in Britain and Ireland at the very beginnings of the first century, this formed a spiritual alliance. What occurred was a harmonious, beautiful and spectacular unified synthesis of Celtic-Druid and Sophia-Christos to form what we call the ‘Celtic Rose Lineage’ and birthed what can now be known as early Celtic Christianity. The Celtic Magdalene represents a period of time and the sacred mission after Yeshua’s crucifixion when the Holy Family, Joseph of Arimathea and the Apostles were creating and tending to the Mother Church cradled within the Celtic Isles. These are the codes and energies we will be experiencing and expanding.

The early Christian Celts were able to see the beautiful presence of the Divine in relationship with Nature allowing them to access what we call ‘the Green Path to the Soul’.

Under Celtic Christianity nature continued to be revered as an expression of Divinity and Gaia-Sophia, many of the Early Saints were connected to Sacred Trees. It is a remembrance that is so deeply familiar to us, because it echoes through our blood from an ancient past, as an organic spirituality uniting people with Goddess and the land.

The pilgrimage echoes this remembrance and provides an adventure for the soul with love as the vital seed for the New Earth we are creating within ourselves and co-creating together.

Remember the Sophia-Christos

within the Celtic Isles…



Glastonbury & Wales’ Brecon Beacons National Park, Bannau Brycheiniog

All-inclusive pilgrimage includes:

  • 7 nights private group luxury accommodation in beautiful countryside locations

  • Private transportation to all the sites and between locations

  • Transport to Abergavenny Train Station and Bristol Airport at the end of the trip

  • Two home-made meals per day in Glastonbury

  • Three home-made meals per day in Wales

  • Entrance fees to all of the sites

  • Private group access to many of the locations

  • Heart opening plant medicine; Cacao, Hawthorn and Rose

  • Online Ceremonial Preparation Journey with Alize & Oliver

  • Travel Help, Info & Items (PDF)

  • A Sacred Gift as a keepsake from Alize, Oliver & the Land


  • Guided ceremonial journeys into the wisdom and energies of the land and sacred sites

  • Meditations, ceremony, visualisations, transmissions and activations 

  • Aramaic Wisdom & Toning

  • Sound Alchemy & Healing

  • Bardic Song and Storytelling

  • Forest Bathing

  • Wild Bathing

  • Waterfall Cleansing

  • Water Baptism

  • Tree Magic Initiations

  • Cacao Ceremonies

  • Group & Community Connection


Avalon of the Heart is the Holiest Earth in England and one of the Secret Green Roads to the Soul…

- Dion Fortune

Part One of the Pilgrimage; Croeso I Ynys Witrin, Ynys Afallach

Welcome to Glastonbury, Isle of Apples…

(7th - 10th July)

We “sail” across the lake, through the mists, onto the Island and realms known as Avalon. Place of the Sacred Healing Waters, Holy Springs, Wells, Druid and Priestess Initiation… 

Glastonbury was a wisdom and teaching centre of the Druids. The keepers of the primordial Earth Mother, Womb and Gaian frequencies. This is a land referred to as the Heart Chakra of the planet, it holds a powerful portal of heavenly and earthly energies for inner Divine Union and Heart Expansion.

Here you will find a magic and power few other places in the world hold. It is this energy and this remembrance that are calling to many now. Reaching out across time and space to the hearts of those that are ready to receive it.  

This is a place none come by chance and in truth, if you are being called here now it is because you have been here before and it is time to return to the mystery school and living temple of spiritual initiation again.

Glastonbury is the holy heart, magical sanctuary and spiritual centre overflowing with history, myths and legends. Within the landscape are the vast timelines of Celtic Spirituality, Druidism and Christianity. Where Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Yeshua, Joseph of Arimathea, Goddess Brigid, Irish Sun God Lugh, the Holy Grail, King Arthur, Guinevere, the Well Maidens, coming of Saints and many more are felt. All connected by ley lines, underground tunnels and sacred waterways.

Included within the Avalon Pilgrimage:

The Holy Waters of Avalon

The Healing & Holy Waters of Avalon have flowed from the land for thousands of years....

​These healing waters have been central to the ancient rites and mystery traditions of this land.

​We will be exploring the different Holy Wells & Spring Sites in and around Glastonbury and you will come into deep connection with these potent waters having the chance to touch, drink, and even bathe in their magic.

Chalice Well Gardens & The White Spring

You will be brought into the mysteries of the Goddess and Sacred Waters as we visit the Red Spring and Chalice Gardens. We will walk the through the gardens. Reconnecting to lost Priestess and Druid traditions and drinking from the Iron Rich healing waters.

You will have a private ceremonial experience with the White Spring. Entering into the dark chamber and “cave” where the white spring water flows. We will pray before the different altars erected to embody different Avalonian energies and archetypes. You will have the opportunity to bathe in the calcite rich waters undergoing a cleansing and restoring baptism. 

The Sacred Hills of Avalon

The landscape of Glastonbury is just as important as her History. Woven into the magic of this land are a series of Ancient Hills which are home to many legends, energies, initiations & stories. We will be making a pilgrimage to these Sacred Hills. As we climb and walk these hills, we will be hearing stories of what these Hills meant to the ancient peoples of this land, why they were important, how these hills were used for ceremony & rituals, and even connecting to what still resides inside of them.

Wearyall Hill

A place of initiation and union. We will ascend this hill to reclaim the stories of the High Priestesses and the powers of the Womb. We will also learn how this hill held early Christian codes for the union between the Logos and the Sophia; The masculine and feminine principles of the Christ.

Glastonbury Tor

We ascend to the Tor recreating the ancient ritual of ascension and descension as a right of passage for the Druids. Connecting with our Highest Selves, Sun God, Solar/Masculine Principle and collective awakening through these lands.

Ancient Sites of Worship

Avalon has a rich history woven through many timelines and the truth to many of these ancient sites has been forgotten.. waiting to be remembered.

We will be exploring the Lost Gnostic and Early Celtic Christian past of Avalon by exploring her Ancient Groves, Churches and Chapels. Sharing forgotten histories & stories of Yeshua, Mary Magdalene and other key figures of the Essenes and how these sites became entwined with Celtic and Druid Mystical Lore long before the emergence of the modern Christian religion.

Glastonbury Abbey

The heart of Avalon. The Glastonbury Abbey has a fascinating history that links the times of the Druids all the way to the foundations of Christianity. We will walk through the Abbey grounds. Remembering it through these different timelines. And giving you the chance to connect to the ancient energies of this temple site.

St. Margaret’s Chapel

A place of Divine Feminine worship which transports you back to the time of the priestess. We will meditate, pray, sing and chant in the name of the divine as we connect and pierce the veils of this holy place.

Avalon Orchard

Within the Apple Orchard we find an opportunity to enter the Faery Realms and Otherworld. To feel for ourselves what entering, experiencing and embodying ‘Avalon’ can mean for us? Avalon is also known as the ‘Isle of Apples’ and you will learn about the medicine, magic, folklore and mythology of the Apple and Apple Trees to the Druids and ancient peoples of these lands.

Ancient Stones & Stone Circles

Standing Stones, Dragon Egg Stones, Stone Circles and Henges were power places of worship and ceremony in the Ancient Druid Past, yet their true meaning and purpose is still shrouded in mystery.  Here we will meet these powerful stone beings and be brought into the mystical science of Geomancy. We will walk in their presence and be guided in how to connect with them, to listen to them, and be healed by their magic. Through these stones we can receive higher wisdom while also grounded deeply into the Gaian Consciousness of the Earth. 

  • Entrance to Glastonbury’s Sacred Sites

  • Guided ceremonial tour of Glastonbury’s Sacred Landscape points and portals

  • The Holy Wells and Springs of Chalice Well, Red and White Spring

  • Ceremony and Vision Journey within the Avalon Orchard

  • Michael and Mary Ley Lines

  • Ancient Stones

  • Sophia-Christ, Celtic Rose and Divine Union Teachings

  • Avalon and Celtic Mysteries, Teachings and Mythology

  • The Ancient Holy Churches of Glastonbury Abbey and St Margaret's Chapel

  • The Sacred Hills of Glastonbury Tor and Wearyall Hill

  • Ancient Neolithic Stone Circle

  • Exclusive private access to the White Spring and St Margaret’s Chapel

  • Sacred Sound, Ritual Song & Dance


Luxurious Grade Two Listed Beautiful English Country House among acres of pristine grounds for you to explore, set within the Somerset countryside.


Wales is known as God’s Country and you can feel why. It is here you experience the Divine within life and still hear the echoes of Britain’s Ancient Celtic Past...

Part Two of the Pilgrimage; Croeso I Gymru, Gwlad Duwiau

Welcome to Wales, God’s Country…

(10th - 14th July)

We will journey across the bridge and waters, meeting the Dragon Guardians of Wales. To experience the purest energies of nature that allow us to come home to our true essence. Nourishing our elemental connection high in the misty mountains and valleys of Wales’ ‘Bannau Brycheiniog’, Brecon Beacons National Park. Remembering our inherent relationship to Mother Earth through the great help of this primordial and untouched land…

Visiting and communing with the most magical and enchanting forests, waterfalls, and ancient trees. The glowing green mountains and rolling faery hills abundantly emit an emerald ray frequency. Have you ever been somewhere so green and lush that it naturally calms you and you feel at peace? We welcome you into these emerald earthly realms that have gifted us with so much healing and remembrance…

You will be reinitiated into how the ancient Druid & Celtic Priest/Priestesses worshiped and awakened their hearts through connection to nature.

JRR Tolkien loved Wales and the Welsh Language, saying ‘Welsh is of this soil, this Island, the senior language of the men of Britain; and Welsh is beautiful’. He gave Welsh-inspired names to many characters and places in ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and ‘The Hobbit’. In Wales we can sense the Elven Ones, within the mystical inner earth realms that are very much still alive here.

Many of the natural sites in Wales are not mentioned because it’s important to us that they remain a mystery and therefore protected.

Included in the Wales Pilgrimage:

Enchanted Forests

We will explore mystical ancient forest vales. Communing with the trees and elemental spirits. Learning how these groves, woodlands and forests were so important to the Druids and their wisdom traditions.

Elemental Waterfalls

Waterfalls are gateways into the Otherworld and faery realms. We will visit some incredible waterfall sites. Getting to bathe in and interact with these holy water sites. Hearing stories of how waterfalls were places of baptism and initiation for the Druids and early Celtic Christians.

Ancient Yew Trees & Church Yards

Yew trees are the ancient guardians of the land. We will visit elder Yew Trees (some over 5000 years old) Learning about their symbolism of life, death, resurrection and the immortality of the soul. We will hear Bardic stories of the Yew and how they were revered by the Druids and in both ancient and modern Christianity.

Llanthony Priory

A powerful Ley Line Spot and Sacred Site. Llanthony Priory was a monastic settlement in the secluded Black Mountain Valleys. You can still feel the holy presence and peace among the ruins of this great Christian site. We will be exploring, meditating and holding ceremony at this site to connect with the pristine energies and histories of these lands. 

Emerald Vale

For our final destination you will embark on a ceremonial and elemental day immersion. With closing ceremony and rite of passage within the Emerald Vale. The wild lands of Alize & Oliver’s home. We welcome you to take a water baptism in the river of stars, meditate in the elven grove and have a sacred fire ceremony with the ancient yew tree.

  • Forest Bathing, Nature Walks and Elemental Journeys

  • Group Adventure into Primordial Ancient Oak & Beech Forests

  • Connection with Ancient Yew Trees.. Some over 5000 years old

  • Experience Crystalline Waterfalls and Rivers

  • Welsh Language/Celtic Mythology and History

  • Opportunity to Wild Bathe and experience a Water Baptism in the Sacred Mountain Waters

  • Connection to the Faery Realms, Nature Spirits and Celtic Mysteries

  • Understand the Elements and relevant Herbs & Trees linked to the Wheel of the Year

  • Connection Rituals for the Land and Water

  • Sacred Fire Closing Ceremony


Historic and Contemporary Grade Two listed, Enchanting Welsh Farmhouse set among 30 acres of private land within the rolling green hills and hot tub included.



Room Choices & Investment Options to reserve your space:

This is an intimate pilgrimage experience which is limited to 10-12 spaces maximum

(7 spaces remaining)

*prices are per person*

Twin Share Room - 6 Spaces Remaining:

Example of a Twin Room Share

Celtic Magdalene Pilgrimage Twin Share Room
Sale Price: £2,777.00 Original Price: £2,888.00

One time £111 discounted payment


Celtic Magdalene Pilgrimage - Twin Share Room Deposit

Reserves your space with the outstanding balance (£1444) to be paid by 1st April 2025


Single Room - 1 Room Remaining

If you are a couple looking to share this room option please get in touch via: emeraldvaleretreats@gmail.com

Example of a Single Room with No Ensuite

Celtic Magdalene Pilgrimage Single Room - No Ensuite
Sale Price: £3,111.00 Original Price: £3,222.00

One time £111 discounted payment


Celtic Magdalene Pilgrimage - Single Room No Ensuite Deposit

Reserves your space with the outstanding balance of £1611 to be paid by 1st April 2025


  • Price does not include flights or airport transfers (except at the end of the trip where you have the option to be transported to Abergavenny Train Station in Wales or Bristol Airport)

  • Price does not include three lunches in Glastonbury (you will have opportunity to purchase lunch/snacks if you desire)

  • Outstanding balance to be paid on or before Thursday 7th March 2024

  • By choosing to purchase your space you are agreeing to a non-refundable transaction

  • In special case circumstances you will have the option to exchange in the form of credit for another pilgrimage / retreat

FOR ANY QUESTIONS OR QUERIES PLEASE EMAIL: emeraldvaleretreats@gmail.com


“Thank you for blessing us with this beautiful sacred journey of remembering. Everyday felt like living in the most perfect dream with soul family, rain & shine, spiky plants & soft moss, cold spring plunges & hot cacao, wisdom, spirit, heart and so much love, everything was in perfect harmony for the soul. Thank you Alize and Oliver for leading us into the most mystical adventure, filling my heart with pure joy. For sharing your wisdom, kindness, support and love. It was the most profound and soulful journey with beautiful souls coming together to remember the path of Love, Heart and Truth. Honouring Divine Union, Mother Earth and lifting the veil to see with inner child’s curiosity all the magic and light around us”


“Oh my gosh! I have entered a new vibration in life that I wasn’t experiencing before I was so incredibly blessed to be part of the most amazing soul loving journey! Thank you from the bottom of my heart Oliver and Alize, for the most incredible embodiment of the teachings and understandings of ancient Celtic and Druid wisdom you both so poetically weave and share. Forever you both touched my heart and soul, then and today still… All in the most sacred and magical of places, with all the elemental spirits present, with the most magical of soul family surrounding me. At the end of these magical days being fed and nourihsed with incredibly delicious vegetarian delights and mouth watering desserts. Deep circles and much laughter with my beautiful soul sisters day after day. I am so VERY grateful to you all. Thank you all for helping me remove so many layers and letting me descend deep into my womb-space and connection to my ancient knowing. Floating here remembering the Emerald Vale and beautiful Avalon.



  • Those who feel deeply called and connected to the Ancient UK Lands and Waters (Albion) Specifically the Holy Isle of Avalon and Wild Emerald Lands of Wales

  • Those who resonate with the Path of the Pilgrim and Priestess

  • For both Men and Women, Couples and Singles, all genders and ages who are drawn to the teachings of Early Celtic Christianity, Magdalene-Yeshua, Druidism, Nature-based Spirituality, Avalon and Celtic Rose Lineages.

  • For those who feel called to experience Avalon as a Mystery school and Living Temple of Spiritual Initiation

  • For those who want to walk the path of the Ancient Ones of these lands and to commune with these lands in the way that gifts deep healing, remembrance and heart opening

  • For those who feel called to experience a pilgrimage as a spiritual initiation, exploration and embodiment through direct gnosis and lived experience

  • Those who want to forge a deeper relationship and understanding of nature, sacred sites, the landscape, ancestral lines, soul lineage and elemental realms

  • Those who want to weave a deeper supportive community and meet like minded souls walking this path


Alize & Oliver

They are a beloved couple and together they have created Emerald Vale Retreats. They serve as Guardians and Land Stewards of the Emerald Vale. They are based within the natural wilderness and sanctuary of Wales’ Holy Mountains in Brecon Beacons National Park. Together they reweave a forgotten connection to Western Spirituality and an ancient ‘Celtic Christianity’. Guiding you back to yourself through the mystical inner realms of the Earth and Green Path to the Soul. They lead people on elemental adventures helping them receive from the healing powers of nature and form a relationship with the wisdom of the land.


Alize Lily is a guide, priestess, ceremonialist and channel for Sacred Union. She is the founder of the Celtic Rose Mystery School where she helps students from all over the world establish a connection to the Sacred Feminine, Priestess Path and Western Mysteries. With a complete devotion to walking ‘The Way Of Love’ through the teachings of the Celtic Rose Lineage and embodiment of the Sacred Heart. She is renowned for her mystical space holding, relatable authenticity, intuitive spontaneity and ability to help guide you to Union with the Divine.

She is also an esoteric researcher and scholar specialising in the Sophia-Christos within the Celtic Isles. She is a Priestess of the Celtic Rose Lineage and uniquely combines her Welsh (born and brought up in Wales) and Irish heritage with her heart-felt connection to the land. Especially from her deep relationship and union with the lands of Wales (Cymru) and Glastonbury (Avalon). Much of her work and embodiment springs from direct lived relationship, devotion and experience with what she receives from these ancient lands and sacred sites.

These days you will mostly find her within the Emerald Vale - her enchanting home, living a simplified heart-led life in service to love in all its forms. As well as serving her community, students, family, sisters, brothers, land, nature and animals. She regularly co-creates with her beloved fiancé, Oliver William Huntley.

There is a continuous grounding, humility, integrity and wholeness to what she teaches. As she recognises we are all both Human and Divine. Devoted to the union of Body and Soul, reconnecting you to your own inner knowing and Divine Love within.

Her many years of retreat facilitation and sacred space holding experience allows her to guide you to your true essence through many forms of natural and creative methods.

She has now developed a spirituality and pathway firmly rooted in Love, Union and Truth. As well as a Priestess Lineage that follows a Celtic Rose three fold path; The Green Ray, Red Path and Sophianic Light.

All has been possible from the grateful presence and experience of the unified Sophia-Christ, Magdalene-Yeshua, Druidic-Celtic, Gnostic lineages and remembrance of the Feminine Christ.

Oliver is a Wisdom Keeper, Writer, Storyteller, Teacher and Sacred Site Guide. Currently deepening his connection to the Land and Mysteries of Ancient Wales whilst writing his first book. He is on a soul mission to bring back lost Mystery School Wisdom and Initiations from the Druids, Gnostics and a lost Celtic Christianity.

Oliver is also a scholar specialising in the life and story of ‘Joseph of Arimathea’; who was an Uncle, mentor to Yeshua, guardian and protector to Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary. He is a passionate teacher for the ancient language of Aramaic spoken by Yeshua and the Essenes.

Oliver has over ten years of experience in holding land based retreats all over the world, specialising in the unification of the Gnostic and Druidic Mysteries of Avalon (Glastonbury) and Cymru (Wales). He has the rare ability to take you on an adventure uniting the worlds of Spiritual Initiation, Historical Knowledge and the Wisdom of Nature. Guiding individuals and groups through sacred journeys. Oliver weaves together sacred stories, ceremonies and teachings long forgotten from the Gnostics and Druids. Helping you remember and reconnect to the ancestral magic of the land and the stories of its holy history.

lets connect @emeraldvaleretreats